Ever wonder what to do with those old action figures? Check out dominic wilcox's 'Cave' project at nike 1/1 for some inspiration. Designed for the 'Art of Football' brief, Wilcox created three projects, 'Cave' (above), 'Top Corner' and 'Blocks' all using miniature football players.
'Cave' is a nest-cum-shoe-box designed to house your most prized footwear; 'Top Corner' is a silhouette of a football player made from (yup) hundreds of tiny footballers; and 'Blocks' is...well....blocks. That's right, a series of 20 blocks that take over 8000 individual pieces to make. Total material? 3000 plastic footballers, 540 tubes of superglue and 50 tubes of plastic glue. Oof.
Close-ups after the jump.
via design boom
'Top Corner'
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