Yes, we previously reported on the aerodynamically awesome, nearly unbreakable, and windproof up to 80 MPH SENZ Umbrella, which, by the way, snagged a 2007 Red Dot Award...but have you ever seen an umbrella get this extreme? These cloud pirates take SENZ for a ride at 180 MPH...and we're glad they brought their parachutes too.
And for plausibility's sake, check out SENZ in a hurricane simulator. Whoosh!
thanks martijn!
Word is out that the SENZ umbrella is Times magazine's invention of the year 2007. Congrats guys! We've been following you since 2005, and hey, it really works!
mmm...bought four of those; 2 small and two large ones. One of each broke during the first day of use. They do look amazing and will get you some attention...
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