Tonight is New Year's Eve, meaning a bunch of folks are going to get pulled over for DUI's. Some of the offenders will be blind-drunk, their judgment too dangerously compromised to have even considered they oughtn't get behind the wheel; others will be close to, but not over, the legal B.A.C. limit, and a subset from this group might not have driven at all if they'd been aware of their precise B.A.C. in the first place.
It is for this latter category of people that the Breeze breathometer was designed. For the conscientious tippler who wants to know exactly how drunk they are (or aren't) in legal terms, this sleek-looking breathalyzer fits on a keychain and pairs with your phone via Bluetooth.
The attendant phone app goes above and beyond providing your B.A.C.: It estimates how long it'll take until you're back to sober, assuming you can keep yourself from doing shots in the meanwhile, and has buttons you can hit to call yourself a cab or an Uber.
Happy New Year's Eve to you all, and stay safe!
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