Josh Woolliscroft, artist and corporate prankster, created a whimsical series of custom writing utensils from boring HB BIC pencils. After shaving down, cutting into and sharpening his purchases, he re-packaged them and contacted BIC France to share the specimens of "non-conformity."
In response, the company asked that he send the pencils in for investigation and paid for his postage. They've also thanked him profusely for bringing this to their attention. Check out screenshots of Woolliscroft's correspondence with BIC below.
You may be wondering (as I am), why would anyone spend that much time re-gluing and re-packaging something you're just going to send off to be "investigated"—whatever that means. Woolliscroft explains his theory behind the project/prank:
By experimenting with and transforming a series of archetypal HB BIC pencils, the aim was to provoke a reaction to a normally overlooked product in a simple and playful manner. By repackaging them to their original on-the-shelf state, the products are given a formality and seriousness that subtly contradicts, and yet enhances their new form.
It may not be anything more than something really cool that If anything, Woolliscroft has the producers shaking their heads (until they read this, of course).
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