Tonight! Core77's Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club enthusiastically welcomes Frank Novak of Modernica, Inc.!
Tonight's talk starts at 6pm at Core77's Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland, OR. Come early and check out our space or check in with us online for the live broadcast!
Frank Novak (Modernica, Inc.) How to Make an Eames Fiberglass Chair? The History & Revival of an American Icon Hand-Eye Supply 23 NW 4th Ave Portland, OR 97209 Tuesday, May 14th, 6pm PST
Frank Novak is the co-founder of Modernica, Inc. Modernica owns the original presses and the original preform machine that were used by Zenith Plastics for Charles Eames production of Herman Miller chairs. Their preform machine is the only such machine in existence. Both the presses and the preform machine are the very same pieces of equipment used to create thousands and thousands of chairs since their very first run in 1950 and now sixty years later, these seminal pieces of equipment are located at Modernica's new Los Angeles factory.
From the Modernica Archives
From the Modernica Archives
From the Modernica Archives
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