During the end of their lifetimes as useful interfaces, no one threw a party for the rotary dial, the skeleton key or the crank people once used to manually start their Model T's. But Amsterdam-based design firm Studio Moniker, certain that we're "nearing the end of the humble computer cursor" presumably due to touchscreens, is celebrating the little left-leaning arrow with an interactive video project.
This is a little tricky to describe, but what they're doing is creating a crowdsourced interactive experience. You click on a link and are presented with a screen featuring not only your cursor, but the cursors of users all around the world that have been recently recorded by them doing exactly what you are—which is following a series of onscreen prompts to guide your cursor in specific directions.
It's a lot more fun than it sounds like, and we highly recommend you try it out by clicking here (NSFW). Your cursor's movements will then be recorded and integrated into future iterations of the video that new people will click on and experience.
The website Creative Applications has more info on the project here.
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