For more than a decade, we've been gathering and organizing salary and career data from creative professionals all over the world through our Design Salary Guide. Today we are proud to present The Creative Employment Snapshot, an infographic presentation of the current state of employment in design, creative and interaction fields based on more than ten thousand submissions to the Design Salary Guide.
The infographic (designed by Coroflot's own Tim Biery) includes brand new data points and comparisons, and features a design inspired by the new UI introduced during the 2012 Design Salary Guide re-launch. We examined elements of the creative employment experience that include, and go beyond, current and potential earnings, thus answering questions that are critical to both working creative professionals and the employers who need to hire them.
Check out the Creative Employment Snapshot here. Remember, the more creative professionals who add their information to the Design Salary Guide, the more accurate and insightful our results become, so don't forget to add your entry and share the Snapshot with others!
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