As I first learned during my stool reupholstery post two years ago, and have been experiencing ever since, the design of your standard metal staple gun sucks. For leverage you need to apply pressure way low on the lever, but if you want the staple driven flush you have to apply a lot of force at the nose, which is on the other end of the tool. This is a bitch, at least for me and my small hands, to accomplish one-handed. While reupholstering stuff I end up using a tack hammer more than I'd like, to correct raised staples.
New-Jersey-based Arrow Fastener Company has redesigned the staple gun in a mechanically-intelligent way: The lever is backwards, so you get maximum leverage on it while pressing downwards in the same spot you do to drive the staple flush.
The FA50elite Forward Action Heavy Duty stapler, as it's called, was designed with input from DIYers: "Some consumers [complained] that other companies' models often make it difficult to precisely place staples. The FA50elite tool addresses this using patented forward action technology; it is easy to fire and allows the user to place his body weight and leverage over the point of impact." As the name suggests, it will fire staples up to size T50 (that's 1/2-inch for Yanks, 12mm for the rest of you) for when you hit those thick, folded corners of upholstery-grade vinyl. Can't wait to get my hands on one of these.
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But, the first time I came across one of these upside-down staple-guns, i managed to embed a staple in the palm of my hand.