Look around you, folks -- somewhere there is material that someone is throwing out, and with a little creativity you can use that material to make objects, not to mention a couple bucks.
Malaysia-based Etsy user NottyPooch has been harvesting billboard banners, those huge pieces of printed vinyl-like material used in short-term advertising, and turning the stuff into "MacBook sleeves, wallets, journals, storage bins, coaster sets" and more. The best part is that once you break the giant banners down into object-sized remnants, there's no longer any discernible trace of whatever products they're shilling -- unfinished words here, a pixelated hint of an image there.
The resultant objects are handmade and graphically one-of-a-kind. "All billboard banners are brushed, washed, cleaned by hand, and carefully selected, measured, and cut into eye catchy pieces before being sewn," explains Notty. Check 'em out here.
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