The next time you generate a PDF document, ask yourself if your intended audience is required to actually print it out. The World Wildlife Fund has introduced a new self-titled PDF-based file format, which disables the document's print output. It's amazing how such a simple idea can actually help you and your coworkers save tons in costly paper use each year, which we all know translates to more than dollars and cents, but forests and trees. It's an easy way to save some serious green.
Learn more about the WWF file format and download the software today.
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Here the paper producers forests are the ones that seldom get a fire.
To Paul Fascist society is one where the Government have the power to say how one should strictly behave. So if WWF wants the power to make this mandatory yes it will be, if WWF just wants to say their opinion be it misguided no.
It is free only those that agree follow.
No i don't trust WWF and even less i have illusions about what they want.