A friend once described to me a game show he had seen on Japanese television, whereby housewife contestants were required to gift-wrap increasingly complicated objects and still get the patterns to line up at the seams. They started with simple boxes, then moved on to spheres, then rattan baskets with protruding handles, and on to the ultimate challenge--a live puppy.
Any of those contestants would probably make fine employees at SkinzWraps, a U.S.-based company that applies complicated vinyl wraps to cars. I have no idea how they stretch the high-resolution 2D sheets over the compound curves of Ferraris and motorcycles, yet as you can see at their gallery, they've got literally thousands of successful examples. (But as far as I can tell, they don't do puppies.)
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Take a look at this wrap by Ads On Wheels https://adsonwheels.com/truck-wraps/
Check out the wraps from www.gatorwraps.com they wrap all kinds of vehicles.