Attention designers, inventors and P.R. people: If you're going to e-mail us press releases about your wonderful project, send some images! A picture's worth a thousand words and you're getting screwed on the exchange rate.
Most of the stuff in our in-box that has no images (or exceptionally crappy ones) goes right in the trash; but student Jesus Sanchez's innovative escalator concept is interesting enough that we'll describe it in boring old text.
A student at the School of Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering of Terrassa (ETSEIAT) of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Sanchez conceived of an escalator that can be ridden by wheelchair users:
...when a person with impaired mobility who uses a wheelchair needs to use the escalator, he or she will press a button to make three stairs of the escalator move together vertically to form a flat platform that can accommodate the wheelchair. Once the user is on the platform with the wheelchair perfectly positioned the escalator will move until the user reaches the end. When the user leaves the escalator, the platform will convert back into three independent stairs.
Sanchez, if you're reading this, for the love of God please send us scans of your rendering boards.
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