This image has been making the rounds. Assuming it isn't AI generated—is it just me, or does the perspective in the room beyond look funky?—any guesses as to why a door would be modified in this way?
A Redditor claiming to know states: "This is for blackboards/whiteboards to be wheeled into and out of the room."
Perhaps that's true. My next question is: How did they handle the header? Do you reckon it's just been moved above the highest point of the opening?
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buy a smaller whiteboard idiots.
This is likely to be a non-load bearing steel stud wall, and the frame is pressed steel, so not really complicated to manufacture or install.
There may not be a structural header if the ceiling and its members are high enough, in which case it's just a matter of making a weird shaped door and frame. Still a very odd solution to a problem that *could* be solved by turning the whiteboard at an angle, and maybe taking the door off its hinges.
Or just using a smaller whiteboard.
No need for a header since the wall is almost certainly a non-load-bearing, light steel frame. I have to think humour is the main reason. It's extremely unlikely that this was any cheaper than getting a taller door. (Or a smaller whiteboard)
What gets me is that the "tab" is centered on the door, but the gap isn't centered in the frame.