The world's first purpose-built law enforcement patrol vehicle, the Carbon E7 was recently unveiled at the "2008 Pure Justice Tour".
The car was designed to be robust and last to a 250,000 mile durability specification. Inside the car, many features aim to improve the officers job. There's an extensive list of integrated technologies like a heads up display, driver specific intelligent key, automatic license plate recognition system, nightvision compliant interior illumination, and an integrated forward looking infrared system (FLIR).
The interior ergonomics have taken into consideration the extra gear officers are required to carry, the rear doors are mounted 'coach' style to improve dealing with suspects and the vehicles safety has been addressed in a number of ways - it can even withstand a 75 mph rear impact crash.
The Carbon 'E7' is a temporary name until the law enforcement community selects a vehicle name, check out the full specs here and more videos with some pretty entertaining testosterone-fueled promotional tactics here.
via PSFK
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