Japan loves vending machines (jidoohanbaiki, I think). Food, books, clothes -- get it all by pushing a button. And remember this? They're so ubiquitous you can wear a vending machine suit and blend right in (kind of).
Taking this obsession to its illogical extreme, on November 18th, Uniqlo invades Times Square with an army of Human-Powered Vending Machines. Provocative commentary on the depersonalization of retail space design, or bizarro publicity stunt?Here's how a Uniqlo spokesperson explained the event to New York Magazine:
Basically we're going to have two mimes. A male and a female mime inside the machine. And the public can see them through glass. When you get there, we're going to have Uniqlo reps dressed in the silver bodysuits. And they're going to hold a thermograph scanner -- think of an airport security machine. The thermographer identifies cold spots in your body. After you go through that, you go to the vending machine and push a button and the mimes are going to do a synchronized choreographed routine and then your outfit comes out.
Check it out: November 18th, 1PM, Times Square.
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