Anyone who's ever taken a color theory class at an art school knows that you can create harmonies and tensions simply by juxtaposing specific hues. And all the nominees' stylists employed this to full effect...
more after the jump
Compare the mise en scene of the harmonizing colors worn by Michelle Obama and her daughters with Hillary's blazing orange suit, chosen clearly to stand out against the blue background. Not quite red, but far enough on the other end of the spectrum (chromatic or political) to suggest said tensions.
Given that blue is the metaphoric color for the Dems, is she subliminally sticking it to them? Cutaways to Michelle's nervous reactions to Hil's 'tick-all-the-boxes-but-don't-concede-anything' speech would make one think so.
View DNC crew members comparing colors of Hillary's prospective pantsuits with here
photos courtesy of, Yahoo News, and CNN.
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