In an effort to raise awareness of the profession, we have put together CORE to serve as a starting point for anyone interested in the field of industrial design. We are designing this site to be used as a valuable reference that designers, manufacturers, professionals and students will keep on their desktop and reference frequently.

Our goal is to keep CORE as intersting and topical as we can. To do this we will be adding content continually, and updating our information sources regularly. Our most valuable information sources come directly from their origins - firms, associations and companies that provide us with content. If your organization is interested in becoming a part of CORE, in any way, you should e-mail us directly at

CORE Industries also provides full Web development services, from conceptual development through implementation. Again, contact us via e-mail if you are interested.

About the Designers
Stu Constantine and Eric Ludlum are both second year graduate students at Pratt. Eric, from Oregon and Stu, from Connecticut have been working on this god-forsaken project since January 1, 1995 and no longer have lives to speak of. They both have bitchin home pages though, InfoSlab and Fuelrod. Make them happy and go there.

CORE is made possible from the generous help of Joel Hoag, whose tireless efforts make our site grow; from the Pratt Industrial Design department for facilities and guidance; and is funded in part by a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation.

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