CORE Free Page

This page is entirely Free! Do what you wish with it. Hope it keeps you busy for a while at least.

6 Links of Separation Contest
There is some theory floating around out there that any one person on this planet is connected to any other person on this planet by a maximum of 6 degrees. Someone you know knows someone who knows someone who is a friend of a friend of any given person in this world.

We are out to test this little idea with 6 Links of Separation- We think we can link to almost any web site in the world within 6 clicks of our mouse. We are trying to find the most obscure sites possible and then navigate the Web back to CORE.

Our challenge to you, the loyal CORE reader, is to find your way back from one of these sites to CORE. A few rules:
You must do it in only 6 links!! (Links being any hyperlinked word.)
You can't use any tricks-like using a search engine.
Getting back to CORE means that with your last click you arrive on our opening screen.

Each person who does it in 6 Links gets a free CORE Iron-On Decal!!
By the way; we have tested the site and it is definitely possible to do it in 6 links, so no whining.
To collect your prize- document the links that you made to get back in 6 clicks (we have an independent accounting firm verifying all results) and then email it along with your name and mailing address to
Good Luck!

Give me 6 links to the CORE...

Pixel Hunt

Hunt for the lucky pixels on the map at the right. Some of them are loaded, and when you hit you'll go to the reward. What fun!

Keep trying, there are some live spots!

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