![]() | Take a minute to tell us your thoughts on other less well-known design classics. Or tell us about the last time you saw a Prestone bottle. |
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nikhil from india says: what about safety pins? gogo from giga says: cool Christine Swendseid from Bozeman, MT says: OK- what about velcro? It's even used on artificial hearts! And to suspend David Letterman! What an innovation- and not consigned merely to clothing and footwear, either. Mr. Energy from Hell says: Somebody should design a bottle that does not require that the user bend their wrist! It is just soooooo inconvenient. Maybe an automatic bottle, huh? Curly from Boston says: Fingernail clippers are often overlooked as classic. We need them or need to use them. Except for that gorgeous blond over there! Tim Pratt from Blacksburg, VA says: In the Prestone Arena, it's Form vs. Function ...Wait...Oh S#!* It says, "BOTTLE"! I thought it said BATTLE. Well Form wasn't too impressive. As for Function...If it ain't broken, don't fix it! gil from jerudalem israel says: my name is gil and i wouid like to know more about your projectgil surfer j from nyc says: As a new comer in the workd of container design, I do believe it's a "classic" --- The horizontal handle allows air to backfeed into the container --- thus minimizing dreaded 'glugging". As the the first of its kind, and the multitudes of copies that it inspired --- it is truly a landmark design Tara from Jakarta says: brlppp brrrlllp, brlllpp Au ah gelap design space from atlanta, ga says: In my trunk. The old radiator, shes gettin tired drodwell@nucleus,com from Calgary, Canada says: I'd like some more infomation about the anti-freeze. I don't care if they sell it in a @#$%^saucepan chris ruf from atlanta says: a HORIZONTAL handle is more difficult to pour not easier! You have to twist your wrist - painful. A vertical handle is less painful to use because when you pour it you turn it 90° and support the 6 pounds with your wrist in a horizontal position. victor zambrano from caracas, venezuela says: beautiful, useful, yet simple design. that's our job, i guess, but is incredibly stimulant to hear, now and then, stories like this one. victor zambrano from caracas, venezuela says: beautiful, useful, yet simple design. that's our job, i guess, but it's surprisingly stimulant to hear (now and then) stories like this one... joe vallejo from aguascalientes mex. says: My idea is that bottle dosen´t considerates ergonomics in his design in the seventies dident exist. Tom Bosiljevac from bjavex@echo-on.net says: nice sight Regular Guy from Seattle says: I would have to say the bow and arrow set is one of the great all-time classics. Richard Hennell from England says: looks like any other bottle to me! Nothing special.. strobus from seattle says: from a scant distance the Preston bottle resembles a plastic containter of Tropicana orange juice, although the antifreeze is sweater to the palette... anonymous from anywhere, USA says: I remember when I had my first bottle of Prestone..... Nearly threw up, but boy did we get drunk martin from nyc says: why? because prestone kicks your ass! filippo from chicago/nyc says: it doesn't look like it'd be easy to pour. To pour with a full bottle it seems you'd have to torque your wrist and point your elbow to the sky, which wouldn't be comfortable. WHY?????? from Prestone????who cares???? says: WHY??????? michael s. from tempe,az says: the prestone bottle pales in comparison to classics such as the coke bottle ed from nyc says: the paper clip is definitely under appreciated. every attempt to redesign it has not even come close to fulfilling the job requirements of holding paper together so well at a low cost ralph from arkansas says: last time I a prestone bottle it was being used as a crawdad trap buoy. |