Most optical illusions make you see things that aren't there, but this one is quite different--it makes what you do see, disappear. Stare at the center of this image, and observe what starts to happen around 15 seconds in (at least for me).
Bizarre, no? This phenomenon is due to what's known as the Troxler Effect, which the Illusions Index explains thusly:
When we attempt to fix our gaze on an object, the eye undergoes extremely rapid and relatively large-scale sudden movements called microsaccades, in contrast to saccadic drifts or small oscillations. Microsaccades cause the pattern of activity which forms the retinal image to shift across hundreds of photoreceptors at a time, providing a constant "refreshing" of the image. The Troxler Effect occurs with any stationary stimulus, but it is particularly fast-acting and noticeable with low-contrast stimuli.
Here's another example of it, with a jarring effect. Stare at the cross in the GIF below:
Two different things happened for me while staring at the cross. Rather than tell you what you're supposed to see, I want to hear--what happened when you stared at the GIF?
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wow. The space created by the missing dot turned green and the purple dots disappeared. So I was left with a green dot moving around in a circle.
Same here on the dots; the top image turned into a dragon and attacked me. Not really, it just faded. But that would've been fun.
Yup, same.
Same thing for me! pretty interesting effect.
I got the same effect.
the longer I looked at it the more green I saw. yes the purple dots turned green and then turned to one dot then it looked almost like a spirograph image if green. Is that normal for a person to see so much green?
The missing dot turned green, but the other dots stayed purple.