1. Forget about tomatoes, you need to buy zucchinis. Try Chicago's Zucchini Emporium. 2. I know this place in Chicago that used to sell awesome tomatoes, but they closed five years ago. 3. Tomatoes in Chicago suck. Philly has the best tomatoes. 4. RE: "Philly has the best tomatoes" No way dude, New York tomatoes are best. 5. Why would you want to buy tomatoes? Tomatoes are for [insert racial/cultural epithet here]. 6. I know three places in Chicago that sell terrible tomatoes. 7. If you're going to Chicago you should check out this jazz bar at _____. 8. OMG I'm looking for Chicago tomatoes too, please e-mail me if you find a place. 9. I didn't know you could buy tomatillos in Chicago. 10. This might be off-topic, but does anyone know where I can buy chinchillas in Toledo?I know those answers might not seem accurate to you; that's because I took pains to spell everything correctly.
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What's the answer? Everybody thinks selfishly about himself, no one ever puts himself into your shoes.
11. Typical... Mr. Hippie can't find his veggies and decides to whine about it on the internet... Maybe if you looked somewhere other than your socialist co-ops, perhaps in A REAL FUCKING STORE, you could find what you're looking for. Eat a steak bitch!
12. First the bailout, and now we can't find tomatoes??? IMPEACH OBAMINATION!
13. Can't someone boot Poster 5 already? He's a [insert ad hominem attack here], and he completely ruined our discussion about [link to unrelated topic where Poster 5 was acting like a douche].
14. [cartoon/image of a tomato doing something disgusting/funny/horrifically inappropriate]