Think back to your first few classes at ID school: Remember the Golden Rectangle? Some professors believed in it, others mentioned it in passing like it was a load of malarkey. Either way it's now available in software form.
Refresher: The Golden Rectangle is a rectangle proportioned at 1:1.618, and if you cut a square out of it, the remaining rectangle is the same proportion as the original, ad infinitum. The idea was that this proportion pops up repeatedly in nature, and is some kind of magic shape that's inherently pleasing to the eye.
A company called Atrise has come up with a software add-on that overlays the Golden Rectangle and its subdivisions over your Illustrator, Dreamweaver or presumably CAD windows, allowing you to incorporate the magic proportions to your designs. But while the proportion appears in nature, the software ain't free: Atrise Golden Section 3.0 will cost you some green rectangles, about 30 of them if you're carrying singles.
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