Last night's WHAT THE *#&! IS SOCIAL DESIGN opening brought together a community of thinkers, all with a soft spot for social change. The exhibit (which runs through March 31) explores the potential for change through design: What is it? Who's doing it? I want to do something too but where do I start?
Creators Ashley Ciecka and Mike Jeter, two MFA students at the Academy of Art University's School of Graphic Design, sought out and interviewed socially engaging designers as real-world examples to answer the "what is it?" and "who's doing it?" part of the equation. Some of the designers profiled include John Bielenberg, creator of Project M, Emily Pilloton of Project H Design and, Mark Randall and Andrea Pellegrino of Worldstudio who created the Design Ignites Change program, Michael Osborne of Michael Osborne Design and founder of Joey's Corner, Phil Hamlett co-chair of the AIGA Center for Sustainable Design and founder of Compostmodern, (which we blogged about live), and Jennifer Leonard of IDEO and author of Massive Change.
Check out more photos below, and make sure to visit the site.
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I am not a designer but very interested in knowing ow things have progressed for you - what turn did you take from here?
More Photos of the show will be up at our facebook page.