In case you missed it, NYTimes Dot Earth has conference minutes from plenary of COP15 that make for remarkable reading--one phrase at a time. Here are just a few of the entries that jump out:
- it is with indignation that we are speaking
- we are not going to decide about so many lives in only 60 minutes
- 4 hours ago Obama announced an agreement which is non-existant
- the promise of 100 billion dollar will not bribe us to destroy the continent
- I will be the first to be unsatisfied with this doc
- I think this institution faces a moment of profound crisis
- there is no such thing as a perfect document in multilateral processes
- how can I get back to my people in Norway and ask them to pay more money to other countries if it is regarded a bribe?
- I will have nothing to show to my grandparents as a present from the last 2 weeks
- no proposal is perfect, but this one leads to direct action
- if we continue, we will stay at least for 2 more hours
- it can't be that we make a decision by consensus and then that we overturn this decision shortly later
- we have to conclude this meeting
- some people want to catch their plane at 8 o'clock
Thanks Marc!
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